devin orr
east coast sox 2028 national coach
Coach Devin Orr is starting his 2nd season coaching with the East Coast Sox.
Coach Orr graduated from Tupelo Christian Preparatory School where he was selected to play in the NEMCABB All-Star game and the Crossroads All-Star game. Orr's greatest playing accolade was being ranked as one of the Top 40 seniors in the state of MS, with a career high of 13k’s during his senior campaign.
After high school, Coach Orr signed with Northwest Mississippi CC, where he receive multiple D1 and D2 schools. After progressive arm trouble and labrum surgery, he decided to attend the University of Mississippi and obtain a degree in Forensic Chemistry.
Coaches greatest strengths have been arm care, mobility, and mental clarity teaching, so instructing these attributes are very important to Coach Orr. He understands that this game has its ups and downs, so he aspires in helping the kids realize some things that he learned later in life can help prepare for their future, where they must keep God first and believing in his word because you never know His plan for your life.
Coach Devin Orr has an amazing 3 year old son named Wesley.