east coast sox program history
In the fall of 2012, the East Coast Sox Baseball Organization was formed under the prayerful direction of Joe Caruso and Greg Sykes.
With their professional and collegiate coaching experience and backgrounds, elite summer baseball seemed to fit their God-given talents and desires. After much prayer, they decided to build a Christ-centered baseball program to help young men with their faith in Jesus Christ while still getting to play the game of baseball at a high level.
At the start of the 2013 season, the intentionality for Christ was set in motion right from the beginning when the Directors organized a three-day discipleship baseball camp before the summer season began. Worshiping, teaching, and sharing Christ at the camp set the tone for the summer devotionals. The weekly devotional gatherings became the cornerstone foundation for our early success as sharing Christ at the baseball field became our motto.
From the beginning, Christ was first, but baseball needed to be at a level that honored the Lord as well. Thanks again to the glory of God, the Sox program began to attract many collegiate and professional level players from the 2013 season to the present.
To take a more in-depth look inside the expertise and professionalism of the Sox program, our directors, summer coaches, and summer staff have the following years of experience:
Collegiate Playing Experience- 199 years (33 in SEC)
MLB-MiLB Playing Experience - 57 years
High School Coaching Experience - 425 years
Collegiate Coaching Experience - 62 years
Professional Coaching & Scouting Experience - 105 years
With such a prestigious staff, we feel we are using our God-given resources to help young men in their journey of becoming next level players. If we do our best, and players do their best, then God will take care of the rest.
1,302 collegiate players, 138 professional players, 14 and current/former Major League Baseball professionals, we have been truly blessed by the talent the Lord has brought into our program since 2009. Over the last 3 years, we have been blessed beyond measure with God's provision of seeing our teams and player's accomplishments grow every year. Developing young baseball players mentally, physically, and spiritually has allowed for our tremendous on-the-field success, but also, our off-the-field success of seeing so many players and families grow closer to the Lord. Salvation stories of players, coaches, families, and even other team's players make success on the field almost fail in comparison.