tanner evans

east coast sox 2028 victus head coach

Coach Tanner Evans will begin his 3rd season with the East Coast Sox.
Coach Tanner Evans grew up in Orem, Utah. He started playing travel baseball at the age of 7. In high school he was a two time All State Region MVP and helped lead his team to become State Champions.
After high school, Tanner went on a two year church mission. His assignment was to Boston, MA (home of his favorite baseball team) and it was there he felt he started his journey of learning to fully rely on the Lord in all things. His love of Christ only grew once he started college. He went to Utah State University-Eastern and was the starting shortstop his freshman year. Only a few weeks into his sophomore season of college baseball, Tanner was struck by a serious bacteria which caused him to go completely blind in his left eye. It was one of the most trying experiences of his life as he was no longer able to play baseball. It was then that the worlds of baseball, character, and God truly collided. He had to trust Jesus with the things he couldn’t see, physically and spiritually. He felt as though he was forced to confront who he really was and what was most important to him. He had to figure out who he was as a person and not just as a baseball player. The pure reliance on his Savior at that time in his life has shaped his daily considerations and actions to this day.
Through prayer, family support and the support of his college coach, he was able to return to USU-E only a few weeks after going blind; this time as an assistant coach. Tanner coached his heart out for two years. He received a cornea transplant during that time and was miraculously able to regain vision in both eyes. This spurred his decision to continue playing baseball. He played as the starting third baseman for The Mississippi University for Women (MUW) for the last two years of his bachelor’s degree. After graduation he was hired as the full time assistant baseball coach at MUW, where he currently coaches.
Tanner credits his passions and driving force for all he does to Jesus, his wife, three daughters, and baseball.